ACE FREHLEY: Two Classic Photos From Personal Archives Released
December 24, 2008Former KISS guitarist Ace Frehley has released two classic photos (see below) from his personal archives to the people that have signed up for his official newsletter via his newly launched web site, AceFrehley.com. According to Ace, "The band MOLIMO goes back to 1971 and the makeup shot is from an early tour of Europe."
Ace Frehley revealed during an appearance on Eddie Trunk's "Friday Night Rocks" radio show on New York's Q104.3 FM that he will unveil the artwork for his long-awated new solo album via his web site on January 5. The CD is tentatively due in the spring.
In an early 2008 interview with Billboard, Frehley stated about his forthcoming solo album, "Basically, I'm trying to get back into the mindset I was in when I did my first solo record [1978's 'Ace Frehley']. That record seemed to have all the elements everybody liked — a real cool instrumental, a hit single, some real heavy rockers, a nice variety of different genres of music."
Among his favorite new tracks are "A Little Below the Angels", hard-rocking "Pain in the Neck" and an instrumental called "Fractured Quantum", which is a follow-up to his previous instrumentals "Fractured Mirror" and "Fractured Too". Another favorite is "groove song" titled "Genghis Khan", which he likens in tone to LED ZEPPELIN's "Kashmir".
Frehley told MyrtleBeachOnline.com that he's shooting for 12 tracks on his next album, his first in 18 years. Studio work has spanned several months, and some of the songs go back 12 years.
Frehley recently spent time on the road fronting a band that featured second guitarist Derek Hawkins, drummer Scot Coogan (ex-BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION) and bassist Anthony Esposito (ex-LYNCH MOB).
(Thanks: Fullshred)